上海辉胜公司自2006年成立以来坚持走中高端路线,为争创国际较好品牌而努力奋斗,辉胜旗下的品牌:班瑞德封边条,在行业内多年深受客户的一致好评,为回馈各界同仁,2012年辉胜公司特设立分厂上海书语装饰,主要针对国际及国内顶端客户群体,造型优美,选材环保,质地精良 以质量求生存,以服务求发展。我们致力于满足客户的需求,真诚对待每位客户。如果您对我们的产品有任何疑问,我们会耐心为您解答;如果您对我们的产品有任何需求,请联系我们。我们会以热情的态度,的知识,为您提供周到细致的服务。长期以来,丰富的经验,性和责任感,使我们与许多客户建立了稳固的合作关系,我们的朋友和客户遍布世界各地。我们是您可以信赖的朋友,我们真诚的期待与您的合作。无论昨天,今天还是明天,我们一直在努力,赢得各界同仁对我们的支持与信任.Shanghai Huisheng insist on promoting middle and high-end products in market since it’s established in 2006, working hard to strive for the international first-class brand.Huisheng’s famous brand BRD also wins the market and the customer consistent high praise for many years. In order to feedback our customers love and respect.In 2012, Shanghai huisheng set up the branch company Shanghai Shuyu Decoration Material Co. , Ltd, Shanghai Shuyu focus on more attention for top of the pyramid customers in the world, specialized in excellent design, environment protection raw materials and superior quality products.Quality is the key to our survival; service is the key to our development. We are committed to satisfying customer's demand; sincerely taking care of every customer. If you have any queries about our product, we will clear your doubt with great patience. If you have any demands on our product, please contact us freely. We will enthusiastically provide you with attentive service with our professional knowledge.With experience, professionalism and responsibility, we have made friends and built strong partnerships all over the world. We are your reliable and trusted friends. We look into in-depth cooperation with our old and new friends.Today and tomorrow, we are always working hard to win the respect of our business partners. ...展开
- 联系人姓名:刘红艳
- 统一社会信用代码:91310120794526425T
- 经营范围:塑料制品、五金制品、包装材料加工(限分支机构经营)、批发、零售,机械设备及配件制造、加工(以上限分支机构经营)、批发、零售,冷作钣金加工(限分支机构经营),建筑装潢材料、办公用品、橡塑制品、皮革制品、电线电缆、服装、日用百货、钢材的批发、零售,电力建设工程施工,从事货物进出口及技术进出口业务。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
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- 经营状态 行业
- 企业类型 所属地区
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- 1 2024-07-05 化车身铝压铸件关键技钢铝开卷落料线项目术开发项目 7270.0万0万人人民币